
Thank you to everyone who provided a testimonial:


"I had many problems with stress and anxiety when I first started working with Enca, she really helped me understand the route cause of the problem, and through that, helped me to combat it. She really helped me rationalise how I felt, and alongside other techniques to help me relax, such as mediation and exercise, I feel much less anxious and more able to cope with stressful situations."


"My previous experience of therapy was CBT, i found this only to be band aid, I realised with Enca’s guidance the importance of looking back through life’s experiences, being able to speak about the difficulties that occurred in my life and the impact this had on my behaviour towards others and how I treated my partner was learnt behaviour, with awareness I began to change my thought process and it enabled me to have a more fulfilling relationship with myself and others."


"I’m so happy that I made the decision to take on this journey and I hope to continue to grow and using the tools I have learnt. The difference I feel within myself is so significant and it’s hard to believe I was where I was last year. Thank you so much for listening, for your support and for guiding me back on track. It must be immensely rewarding to do the wonderful job you do. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU."


"If you had asked me three years ago, I wouldn’t have had much to say. But three years later after seeing Enca once a week, I could never express how important its been to me. It’s shaped me to be a better me, made me realised things I never knew affected me and taught me ways to deal with so much that I never thought I would be capable of heading face on. Having a safe place to vent my thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental space was life changing and so uplifting. When you’ve spent your life thinking your behaviour and thinking patterns are supposed to be a certain way and you feel debilitated because of it, therapy has given me a whole new outlook and I feel stronger than ever to deal with whatever comes my way."


"Estive em terapia com a Enca durante cerca de um ano e foi uma experiência muito importante para mim. Aprendi a conhecer-me melhor e também a comunicar melhor, tanto com os outros como comigo mesma. A Enca ajudou-me a pensar sobre o meu comportamento e a ultrapassar a dificuldade que tinha em falar sobre os meus sentimentos. Acima de tudo, a Enca ajudou-me a pensar em estratégias para cuidar melhor de mim e como gostar da pessoa que sou. Estarei sempre muito agradecida!"


"Enca was my therapist for one year and this was a very important experience to me. I learned a lot about myself and how to better communicate with others and my inner self too. Enca helped me to reflect about my own behaviour and to overcome my difficulty in expressing how I feel. Most of all, Enca helped me to find strategies to better take care of myself and to appreciate the person that I am. I will be forever thankful!"